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File Descriptions

If the Enable File Descriptions checkbox is marked, information about each file downloaded is added to a file called descript.ion which is saved in the folder where each file is downloaded to. Some image viewers use this file to display more information about the corresponding image.

540 Options-FileDescriptions.jpg

Enable File Descriptions

This option needs setting to infrom Newsbin that a 'descript.ion' file should be created

There are several additional items you can choose to have included in the descript.ion file:

  • Log Subject - Logs the subject field of the post.
  • Log Poster - Logs the email address in the "From" field of the post.
  • Log Date - Logs the date of the post.
  • Log Group - Logs the newsgroup from where the file was downloaded.

Default Settings button

Clears all fields.

OK button

Saves settings and closes Options Dialog.

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